About Me
I was drawn to the beauty industry from a young age. The glamour of watching someone apply their makeup, taking their time to blend each product in such an artful manner was mesmerising.
I knew it was the industry for me and I trained as a pro makeup artist and beauty/holistic therapist over 20 years ago, working with the most amazing clients before moving into further education teaching.
This eventually lead to private training and my idea to enhance their learning with Youtube videos opened up a whole new world of opportunities I'd never imagined! I have a wonderfully supportive Youtube community of subscribers and viewers, plus the added bonus of brands and creators reaching out to work with me. Videos have been requested for shows such as Dr Oz, featured on British television and used by lecturers around the world to enhance student learning (they write to tell me and I'm always grateful to hear it!).
Most recently I was invited to participate in the QVC Beauty Weekend, sharing my knowledge on the SBC show.
Working on film and photographic sets confirmed that I really do love the creative drive that keeps popular culture evolving. I love talking to actors, musicians, models, presenters, photographers, lighting directors...you get the idea. Each time I make a connection with a fellow creative on set we match each other with shared passion for cultural interests and this has naturally lead to my next working chapter.
Awards & Recognitions

Get in Touch with Me
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