Sleep & Relaxation Tips That Work For Everyone

With Marva Williams, Founder of Shhh... Menopause Wellness


Most of us will experience sleep issues at some point in our life.  Unfortunately the same might be said for pain and discomfort that you don't want to continuously treat with medication (if that's even an option).  Menopause, peri-menopause and post menopause can magnify these issues and not everyone feels supported or able to talk with anyone about how to manage these. Have you tried to secure a doctors appointment recently?  Not easy!

The latest podcast chat is with Marva Williams, inspirational Menopause Coach, Counsellor and founder of Shhh…Menopause Wellness.

Marva's story is shocking but she turned it around and used her experience to develop a range of natural products designed to support women who are going through menopause, helping to ease and positively impact their physical and emotional health.

Don't think that Marva's story and products aren't for you if you're not menopausal or will never experience it.  The basic principles of the range are proven to aid sleep and physical wellness, so it's worth listening to her story and making use of her free ebooks and site wide discount.

Sign up to get your FREE Ebooks & Discount

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This episode of the podcast was sponsored by Shhh... Menopause Wellness.


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From Relaxation To Pain Relief